Christian Responses to Islam Database

Helping you to read and research further

The Christian Responses to Islam database is a bibliography of books written by Christians about Islam, Muslims and related articles. Its core consists of more than 400 references, the majority from the book Evangelical Christian Responses to Islam. This means that most references are to Evangelical writing on Islam since 2001. However, I am gradually adding older references and those from other Christian traditions. There are also secondary references to books written by academics about Christian responses to Islam.

The database is uploaded to Tiny Cat which is powered by Library Thing and is completely searchable using the links below. These will take you to the relevant search screens and each reference contains bibliographic data about the book or article along with summaries, reviews and biographical description of the author.

I try to keep this resource up to date but there will inevitably be omissions. If you want to alert me to missing references, then please contact me.